Quotes and Short Thoughts Page

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Believe to Believe

I wrote this a time ago.  Thought it a good time to share.

“I believe to Believe”

I believe in a path of mellowness, peaceful bliss,
In the One that is, togetherness;

Never beat down fellow man,
For we belong to the same clan,
From the place where it all began,
The center of the energy ball;

And on it goes with ebb and flow,
Another piece of the magnificent whole,
A newer soul made from new and old,
A brand new tale starting to unfold;

Father sperm and Mother egg,
Combine their love and open the gates,
To the hall of the souls,
For one to come through,
Into this world,
As a beautiful baby boy or girl;

A child of the earth from the moment of birth,
To live and to grow and slide with the flow;
To touch and to feel the mystery of life,
To laugh and to cry and be a part of time;
To enjoy what is and what is soon to be,
To never forget…that no matter what,
The soul is born and can remain free;

The body is the temple, the castle;
My souls kingdom within spaces kingdom;

Treat it with respect and treat the ones we meet the same,
For we all have a name,
Instant fortune, instant fame,
Depending on the way we want to view it;

Some are born into a painful hour,
To a house of sorrow,
Sacrificing the great light’s power;

To show others all they have,
Not what they lack;
The fortune that surrounds,
In the mystical magical playground;

These sacrificial ones can show us not to be greedy,
For we are not needy…but lucky;

And then in turn the others may show the unfortunate,
That there is a light, Not to give up the fight,
Use their might, for we all have inner sight;

Today is as special as tomorrow can be,
As long as we see,
As long as we breathe;
As long as we remember,
That what brings us together,
Is as real as forever;

Not the forever that we know
But the one that is so;

The one that spawns new beginnings,
New realities, new life, new moments in time;

So much more to say,
But I’ll leave it this way,
That is not to say,
This is the one and only way;
This is just… for now… what I believe to believe;

I believe in a path of mellowness, peaceful bliss,
In the one that is….

All works and photos by:  clt/gypsy-chris (C) 4/2000       

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