Quotes and Short Thoughts Page

Friday, April 17, 2015

Mitakuye O Yasin

"Wopila Mitakuye O Yasin"
Many times I've ended conversations, letters/emails, chats, messages, this blog and other things with that phrase.  For those who wish to read further... This is Why.

       These are some very awesome words and phrases that I was introduced to many years ago.  They were taught to me through "Lakota" teachings and ceremonies.  They were not necessarily introduced in that order, however, I have come to use them in this order because of what they have ultimately come to mean to my 'self'' separately, and together.
       Separately each word and/or phrase stands on it's own.  Wopila, simply means "Thank you"; and Mitakuye O Yasin, means "For All My Relations".  As you can see, apart they hold strong, however together, they become huge!.  There is infinite gratitude in this phrase.  Simply because I am saying, "Thank you for ALL my relations".

       "All my Relations".  Think for a second about that.  It doesn't simply mean your brother or sister, or father and mother.  It doesn't just mean your friends and neighbors or plants and animals.  It even goes further than just talking about the earth and planets, solar system and universe.  It means Every Last thing your mind could possibly imagine; or not imagine.  It includes the beginning to now.  It includes the math that explains or theorizes all that!  It goes so far back and so far forward that your brain can start to hurt which then makes you want to "Live in the Now"!  I'm kidding about your brain hurting, however I hope you're starting to get the picture.
       From the beginning of my teachings, even before I was introduced to the Lakota way of being, all the way to the teachings I continually learn today (almost on a daily basis), this is one of, if not the most powerful phrase to me.  It holds within it, the power of the "Oneness" so many talk of.  And it holds the appreciation for that oneness.  Gratitude in and of itself is so powerful that we forget what it truly means.
       Yes, I and many are grateful for much; however, when we think of that phrase "Thank you for ALL my Relations", it begins to help one understand how we are not alone.  Even if you don't believe in anything other than the fact that you exist, you can at least begin to realize how "You" might not exist if it weren't for "all your relations".  You start to realize that the word "God" IS "You & Every Last piece of Time, Space, and More!".  And you begin to realize how IT IS ALL connected.

       Please don't misunderstand.  I understand that there are words and phrases in other languages and cultures that say the same thing.  I have complete respect and reverence for that.
       For myself, this was what I was taught.  In and of itself, it reminds me of remaining humble.  Of being grateful for every last bit of  "             " that I can think of.  It tells me that it is not just about 'Me'.  It keeps me balanced much of the time.  Even just writing it, will take my thoughts to a place of gratitude; because it reminds me that without 'All my Relations', imagination might just be worthless.  And your imagination fuels the journey.
       From the very thing that "Just Is" to the very depths of "What has always Been", for all the teachers past, present, and future,  for every human be-ing in my life or those that are about to enter into it, for every last bit of energy, imagination, belief, and the opposite, for the 2 sides of the same Coin, and for nothing less than the fact that I am GRATEFUL that I was taught this phrase and have become comfortable with describing what it means to me ,,, I say,
"Wopila, Mitakuye O Yasin"!

All works and photos by: clt/gypsy-chris (C)

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Believe to Believe

I wrote this a time ago.  Thought it a good time to share.

“I believe to Believe”

I believe in a path of mellowness, peaceful bliss,
In the One that is, togetherness;

Never beat down fellow man,
For we belong to the same clan,
From the place where it all began,
The center of the energy ball;

And on it goes with ebb and flow,
Another piece of the magnificent whole,
A newer soul made from new and old,
A brand new tale starting to unfold;

Father sperm and Mother egg,
Combine their love and open the gates,
To the hall of the souls,
For one to come through,
Into this world,
As a beautiful baby boy or girl;

A child of the earth from the moment of birth,
To live and to grow and slide with the flow;
To touch and to feel the mystery of life,
To laugh and to cry and be a part of time;
To enjoy what is and what is soon to be,
To never forget…that no matter what,
The soul is born and can remain free;

The body is the temple, the castle;
My souls kingdom within spaces kingdom;

Treat it with respect and treat the ones we meet the same,
For we all have a name,
Instant fortune, instant fame,
Depending on the way we want to view it;

Some are born into a painful hour,
To a house of sorrow,
Sacrificing the great light’s power;

To show others all they have,
Not what they lack;
The fortune that surrounds,
In the mystical magical playground;

These sacrificial ones can show us not to be greedy,
For we are not needy…but lucky;

And then in turn the others may show the unfortunate,
That there is a light, Not to give up the fight,
Use their might, for we all have inner sight;

Today is as special as tomorrow can be,
As long as we see,
As long as we breathe;
As long as we remember,
That what brings us together,
Is as real as forever;

Not the forever that we know
But the one that is so;

The one that spawns new beginnings,
New realities, new life, new moments in time;

So much more to say,
But I’ll leave it this way,
That is not to say,
This is the one and only way;
This is just… for now… what I believe to believe;

I believe in a path of mellowness, peaceful bliss,
In the one that is….

All works and photos by:  clt/gypsy-chris (C) 4/2000