This is not a political nor a religious statement. It is rather simply,,, a statement of logic.
It has never been about guns, money, religion, race, or most of what the world as a whole has bought into; or rather created through various channels and ways. It has always been about dividing each other from each other and our 'selves'. Letting us choose our own little boxes we want to live in. Make no mistake though, WE CHOOSE. And continue to choose.
Peace will never come through fighting, wars, and such things; although it may seem so. True peace will only come from peace. Peace within, Peace of the Mind and Peace in the Heart individually, will create Peace in Whole. And both Peace in the Mind and Heart are already there... If we choose it.
There is one problem though,,, it is hard to imagine this, and therefore it becomes hard to believe. Much of the time we're too busy pointing fingers and laying blame, whilst continually being programmed or programming our selves to do so. The greats of existence knew this.
There will always be pain, suffering, fighting, and so on; because there are some who believe in this. And, it is the other side of the same coin. But maybe the biggest question to ask our self though now-a-days, is not, "what causes this?", but rather... "Do I wish to be of this mentality/ paradigm/energy, etc... (or whatever you want to call it, anymore?".
And there is no wrong answer, there is only "One's own answer".
Maybe an even bigger question is... "Will I let these self created/inflicted reasons divide me from a Real but mostly forgotten Truth? (And this quote comes from a great band called 'The Luminaries') Peace World Wide Starts From Inside".
It will only matter what media, history, and fear dictate if we let it.
I guess the big paradoxical question here though is,,, "Do I have to fight for a peaceful harmonious world... Or can I Believe it into existence?".
It is our choice as an Individual to become a Peaceful World.
All works and photos by: clt/gypsy-chris (C) 12/4/2013