Quotes and Short Thoughts Page

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Vision leads to Searching leads to Vision; A New Paradigm

       Wow!!  Where does one start?  I guess I'll start first off by saying this... "To all my friends and family who know me well, and/or those I have had interesting conversations and experiences with, Thank you!  From every part of my heart and soul!  I have had, and continue to have, both young and old, human, animal, natural, electrical, unseen, and unforgettable Amazing Teachers.  You are a big part of  'All my Relations', and I appreciate 'Who You Are'.
       To the rest of my relations whom I may not have yet really met; I am a simple person who lives in the desert half the time about 70 miles away from the nearest town.  I live off the grid except for this internet connection, and the nearest place is about 20 miles away.
       There is always much more to someones story, however I'll keep the intro short and sweet.  Suffice it to say... "Itzzz Great!". 
       Now,... Onward with the story...
       I have finally allowed myself to slow down, grab a cup of coffee and sit with the silence here at my home base.  It is a beautiful place with much history and much energy.  I get to sit on my porch in the morning and watch the sunrise and sip my coffee whilst watching life awaken to the new day.  At the end of the day, if I am here, I can watch and feel the sun set as the colors on the surrounding mountains change and slowly become a silhouetted darkness, or a blue and grayish color during a bright moon.  My nearest real neighbor (who is fantastic) is probably a good 20 or so acres away, and as I write this I have to admit, these surroundings do help one to be with that silence.  I almost forget what it is like when I am not here, and have to practice being with that silence even when I am surrounded by constant noise.  I have been on the road for quite a while now, and just returned home.  I don't have it down to a science yet, however I have discovered my own tools and helpers.  Quick shout out of Appreciation to All of them.
       You see, most know me as a guide.  That's my job, or better yet, what I do.  I spend much of my time in other places, taking others through areas, courses, or more precisely... Guiding them through experiences.  Whether it's outdoors  etc..., that's my persona.  My nickname is gypsy, and I spend a lot of time living like one.  Like most of us though, that's not the complete story.  In fact, it is but a smidgen in the biggah picture.  Here's where it gets interesting though if you wish to keep on readin'.  Not about me so much as it is about "A Bigger Picture".  ;-)

       You see,,, We are not our jobs, we are not our skills, we are not our paths, or our age, status in life, wardrobe, race, color, creed, hairstyle, love life, home life, or even our name.  Those are identifiers or labels.  We are in truth, limitless consciousness hangin' out in skin and bones for a while, called Human Beings, making choices.  And let's pause for a bit and reflect on some words "Human and Being".  Many secrets and answers do lie within the language.  Truly we are "Hu-man Be-ing".  And don't get riled anyone, Hu-man is genderless; or more specifically, all encompassing.  Look it up an check it out.  Anyway, we are THAT, while we learn to get around in what we have been taught forever and a day,  is a 'limited life with rule upon rule upon rule placed on us'.

       Now I won't get into rules and laws and the like.  Everything has it's role to play, including us, and nothing is without outcome or results.  Some may be labeled bad, and some may be labeled good.  Let's just say, there is goodness that comes from order, and there is goodness that comes from chaos.  Complete destruction leads to beginning, and beginning will lead to complete destruction (or ending).  Doesn't matter what your belief system, it's kind of a "Universal Law".  What is in the middle of that beginning and destruction (or end), is what we make rules and laws for; And probably so we can be on somewhat of the same page.  Lest we run around with no real cohesiveness never allowing the beginning to be more than the end.  In short, we sum all this up as saying, "Change is inevitable, and it helps to be together on it in order to have a middle.".  In fact, in all honesty, we could simply refer to the whole enchilada as "Constant Change".  One of the biggest paradoxes ever brought fourth when you think about it.  "The one thing that is constant,,, is change.".  If ya get what I'm layin' down.
       The "Being together on it" is the tricky part though as we know.  And what I wish to concentrate more on.  There is energy that likes to keep us all continually separated.  It is easier to control the masses through separation, as many of you have heard in the past.  Keeping people in fear is also another good controller.  But more importantly and deeper to the truth is something called "Ego".
       You see, we all have one, and it does have to be involved; however it continually gets lost in the game and personal gain.

  • Small Note here: Some things will evolve us, and some will not.  (quote from "What the Bleep Do We Know")  We might have to compromise to find what the true evolution is.  Our egos can help us get there, or they can move us further and further away.  It will always be our choice.

  •        Whether it's gain for an individual, or a family, gain for a corporation, or even gain for a country, the ego has to have a part in it; and "The ego" has an opinion, and the opinion can be quite strong.  If power is added behind that, then there is much that can be accomplished.  However, as the old saying goes, "Our biggest assets, are also, Our biggest liabilities.".  I mean hell, arguments and wars are constantly started from it.  However, without our ego, we could not interface with one another and learn in this existence; or at the very least there would be a loss of imagination and opinion, and probably not much growth.  
           But buyer beware, the ego is not here to lead us, it is here to be one of the tools that help us.  And it can quickly turn on us and help cause much pain and sorrow for us, and others.  Mind you, we do not control it, we just manage it.  That is where words with the meanings we've given them like,,,  kindness, compassion, love, generosity, appreciation, thankfulness, helping, courage, strength, integrity, forgiveness, humbleness, and oneness, etc... can come into play.  WE agree upon there meaning (I hope), and they are more tools to help manage our egos; or where big institutions are concerned, maybe we can call it "Big Ego Power".
           When all is said and done, it could be simply stated, "I have to have an ego to write about it, however, I will hopefully manage it with those words and others, and through my true intention, which is to inform and gravitate more towards a newer paradigm (already in existence) that includes awareness of ego, and it's power.

           The ego's power to hurt, and it's power to help.".  Two sides of the same coin.

           It can often times, only help when some of those other words such as, humbleness, kindness, love, integrity, thankfulness, and appreciation are in play.
           For instance, I am aware of, and very grateful to all the people, places, and experiences that have helped me get to where I am.  I am thankful for it all, including that which has continually shown me humility.  I will continue to use things such as integrity and commitment to continue following the path I have been led down and have chosen through free will.
           I think you get the picture.
           Truth be told... without those that I mentioned in the first paragraph, I wouldn't be writing this.  It is one of many reasons why I thank you.  Ya'll have shown me another part of the path that I can no longer ignore.  God Help Us All!!   LOL

           If we could all just realize that we all have a gift or gifts; Every Last One of Us!  And we could all just allow others to bring these gifts to the table; then We would honestly see why "We ARE Limitless Beings".  It is our birthright and our challenge to truly understand what that means.  We are born sovereign, and together, We are capable of moving mountains and so much more.  "Coming together" and "Realizing our Oneness" is "Inevitable" at some point (Dead or Alive)!  We could choose to see it during our "Alive stage on Earth".  However, it will truly be When we as "Individuals",  Finally Choose to see it "As a Whole".  Or more simply put "A New Paradigm"!
           For now, keeping it simple by becoming more aware of our 'selves (and our ego)' and continuing to help each other in our own tiny little circles may be a good step as we move into the new paradigm.  The veil was lifted December blah Twenty-blah.  That was the apocalypse many talked about (quote from The Luminaries).
           So some of us can think of it this way... "The shift has occurred.  What role do we wish to play?  And how much are we ready to believe into existence?".  As the Hopi and others have stated lifetimes ago... "We R the One(s) We've been Waiting for.".
           More to come I hope.  Till then...

    Peace, Good Vibes, Love an All that Jazz R w/ U,
    Wopila Mitakuye O Yasin (Thank you For ALL my Relations)

    All works and photos by:  clt/gypsy-chris (C) 11/2015